Are you looking for GNC Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex, Chocolate, 2 lb?. The GNC Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex, Chocolate, 2 lb, is one of best-selling product in Nutrition Shakes category.
GNC Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex, Chocolate, 2 lb is one of the best-selling available in the market today, you can find it easily in online and offline store. You can also compare this product in Costco.
And remember that the discount won’t last long. So, buy this product now and Get Limited Time discount price Up to 60% for this GNC Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex, Chocolate, 2 lb...
- Improved Formula Natural Source of BCAA 20 Grams of High-Quality Protein Source Quick Dissolving, Easy-to-Mix Pro Performance® 100% Whey Protein supplies one of the highest quality and most researched proteins available.
- The Benefits of Whey Protein Protein serves as a dietary source of amino acids. The body needs amino acids to build the various proteins used in the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissues such as skin, bones and muscles. Whey protein offers the benefits of supplying high nutritional value and branched chain amino acids (BCAA) to athletes. BCAA are essential amino acids, which are part of muscle protein. They may preserve muscle glycogen stores and help reduce the amount of protein breakdown during exercise. Additionally, the natural components of whey help to enhance the body's production of glutathione, a natural antioxidant, which may provide dietary support to the immune system. Whey also yields a high biological value, which measures usable grams of amino acids used by the body after intense exercise. Depending on your athletic goals, your protein requirements can vary. Inadequate protein in your diet can limit muscle protein synthesis which can compromise your athletic goals. The amino acids from whey protein move quickly through the digestive system. The consumption of these proteins will result in a rapid rise in blood amino acids and stimulate protein synthesis.
- Pro Performance Quality This advanced protein supplement is instantized making it easy-to-mix and dissolve quickly water. It's also low temperature treated, which delivers one of the highest quality forms of whey protein. Because the body requires protein as a source of amino acids, Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein supplementation is important for all athletes who seek an increased protein intake while working out. Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein supplies high-quality protein to meet these needs.. Typical Naturally Occurring Amino Acids Per Serving: * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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